Here's The PERFECT Solution If You Want To Live Confidently!
(Even if You Have Tried EVERYTHING)
Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and defeated by life? 
Or like you're never good enough to get what you want? 
Watch this... 
Surely You're Sick And Tired Of Feeling Overwhelmed and Defeated By Life...
Not anymore. 
This is the Ultimate Confidence Course for women you are done apologizing for being themselves and who are ready to Chase Their Unique Greatness
Lifetime access to All Beta Course materials.
Access to Private Facebook Group with likeminded women.
Become one of the Founding Members to this unique opportunity. 
Lifetime access to future updates to course and materials. 
I was tired of it.
Tired of feeling trapped in my life. 
Tired of not chasing my own dream. That's why I created the 
Thrive Method Course which is a confidence building program 
for women that teaches them how to build their most confident self. 

This is a unique opportunity to create a resource for women 
struggling with confidence and I need your help. 

I have gathered my best trainings and resources to help you become a more confident woman but I need your help. Ironing out all the wrinkles for this course takes time. 

Consider this the practice run.
The chance to give you all of the my best ideas, methods, and exercises to change your life, at a super discounted price. 
But it's not going to stay this low for long.
And right now, you can jump in the group for $47. 

This is The LOWEST Price That This Course Will EVER Be. 
THIS INCREDIBLE Resource WILL change your life in 6 weeks!
I am sooooo excited to share these techniques and what I've learned over the past 2 years with you. You owe it to yourself to stop tip toeing around life. Stop settling on "OK" or average. It's time to build that confidence muscle sister. 

Here's how it works...
You apply to be in the Founding Member Club. We work together closely for 6 weeks going over material in this course. At the end of each week you complete surveys to help improve the experience. You complete the course and take charge of your life, finally. 
Her eyes, heart, and feet are set upon a path to achieve great things and bring other people to that destination of greatness with her, hand in hand. 
-Emily Karns 
Sarena obviously has a gift in inspiring and uplifting others! 
- Julia Lindquist
Let’s break it all down.
Here's what you're really getting...
  •  Week 1:  T- Transform Your Mindset + Beliefs
  • - How to create and implement positive new beliefs. 
  • - Create Affirmations, Visualizations, ditch the crappy mindset.
  •  Week 2: H- Harness Habits to Unlock Your Full Potential
  • -  Breaking down bad habits. 
  • -  How to create and implement positive new habits 
  •  Week 3: R- Recognize Your Friendships + Community 
  • - The truth about your bad friendships.
  • - (Toxic Friends, Your Inner Circle, Social Media Cleanup, People Pleasing.
  • Week 4: I- Identify Your Purpose + Passion 
  • - Discovering and understanding your purpose and passion in life.
  • - How to find and test your passions.        
  • Week 5: V- Visualize Your Goals
  •  - Learn the best goal setting techniques to actually reach your goals. 
  •  - Accountability, how to make a vision board, mindset work. 
  •  Week 6: E- Excel in Confident Growth + Contribution 
  •  - Using your new found confidence to change the world. (Growth + Contribution) 
  •  - How you get to change the world. 
  •  - The secret to being fulfilled. 

Sooo, What's Inside?
total value over $740 
- 6 Week Confidence Course. ( $497 Value )
- PDF Confidence Workbook. ( $197 Value )
- Monthly Live Q + A Trainings. ( $99 Value )

Which would equal over $740,
 but I'm only charging $47. 

- 100 Self Care Dates Guide. 
- Secret Facebook Group Community. 
- Lifetime access to updates or this course. 

That's well over $740 value...
for $47
You'd actually be crazy not to do this ;)

YOUR greatness is right around the corner!
What are you waiting for?

So, what happens after 6 weeks?
After 6 weeks you will have completed the training. YAY!
After the training has been completed you will gain tangible exercises and activities to bring confidence into your world. You will be equipped to finally chase after your dreams and stop living your life in a rut. 
What’s next?
You have to apply to be in sister! This is an offer that will only be available this month. The next time this course opens for enrollment it will be 4x the price! 
So click the button below to apply to be in the Inner Circle! 

What is a Beta Group?
Think of a Beta Course as like a test run. You're getting all the ideas before anyone else, ever. 
In this stage of creating it, your ideas and feedback are soooo important and valued to creating a better product. 

What is the expected from me?
Well, this is a 6 week course. So 6 weeks of commitment. And about 2 hours a week. 
Each week there will be about 1 hr of training videos and 1 hour of worksheet materials.

How long is the course?
This Beta Group will run for 6 weeks.

What is the benefit of the Inner Circle? 
You get to be the very first EVER to see this material. You get lifetime access to future updates of this course, which will be sold at a higher rate. This is the cheapest that this material will ever be found on the interwebs.

Why should I apply now?
As mentioned before this is the cheapest you'll ever find this course. Like for'reals.

Will this offer be available again?
This course will be open for enrollment in 6 weeks. BUT  you will not have inner circle privileges and bragging rights. 
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